January 18, 2012

My new crochet scarf..

And this is my new crochet scarf. Very simple. And very good for snowy weather...

Me, our garden and my new scarf....


  1. lovely scarf.. i missed snow in here this year. have a nice day

  2. Such a cheery bright color against the beautiful snow!

  3. Love the blue color you chose. Very pretty!

  4. Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you found me and that you want to try to crochet some socks! They are truly wonderful things to make. I'm wearing mine right now! Unfortunately, the link I used for that pattern no longer works, so I found another one that I hope can show you what to do. It's top down construction instead of toe up, like I did, but it's basically the same thing I did reversed. I need to write up my own pattern! Here's the link: http://fromcrooktohook.blogspot.com/2007/08/crochet-socks.html
    Happy crocheting!

  5. Dear friends,
    thank you very much for your comments. Dear renee, I visited the link you wrote me. Testerday night I made a crochet socks only one pair. It was not so good. I can learn from this link. Thank you very much..

  6. ve kesinlikle çok güzel!renginide çok sevdim..
